Thursday, June 18, 2020

Further Covid19 Speculation

If this crowd had been in charge during Ebola, we would all be dead. If it were Clinton elected, she would be tearfully tragically sorry for the hundreds of dead in New York. If, by some miracle, the Golden Child had a third term, they would fiercely pillory him for the billions he had wasted in China. If the Federal government had existed during the bubonic plague, they would hand out rats.

I doubt you develop immunity to Covid19 in the normal sense. This doesn’t demand that it persist forever. If you are not reinfected it may be that over some time your liver will recognize large, elderly glycan balls and dispose of them all.

Perhaps Covid19 is advantageous in bats. It avoids immune response and may target foreign invaders. This is not ridiculous there are anticancer viral therapies. Bats don’t get cancer. This coronavirus may coevolve with future human generations. I wouldn’t be in a hurry to get it. 

In a few years, after the 100 million have died in the world, we will develop a social tolerance for this new disease. People will go on retreats or to spas and periodically rid themselves of it. Screaming, singing, farting, religious events and concerts will be passé.

Our sense of privacy has to change. Bear in mind that every police agency has intelligence coordination and data is forever. Somehow, we have to make a distinction between courts, health, police, marketing and surveillance.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Covid19 Observations

The Wuhan bat lady recently got out of jail. Her first speech was to the effect:

-You ain’t seen nothing yet.

See why they jailed her. Her group’s first new paper nailed it down that Sars-Cov-2 comes from bats. They needed to put that marker down. Extrapolating from that information, bats are healthy. They have a protein rich diet. Bats have plenty of vitamin D. They are active. There are no fat bats. Covid19 is all up in bats. Just because something is logical, does not make it so.

In desperation, I smoked a cigar in the park. I was uncomfortable after that. The catch in my throat declined, but now it’s back. Is there any correlation to tonsillectomy?

Coronavirus arms hang onto their glycan coat. Glycan is encoded. Your body can detect foreign glycan. So when a coronavirus from someone else gets in you, your body says:

-Not my glycan.

The white blood cell or whatever chomps it down. Your immune system isn’t notified. It’s just another foreign invader:

-Nothing to see here. Move along.

Covid19 is different. Maybe it holds more glycan or holds its coat tighter. Covid19 had to survive in bats.

Bats echo locate. Maybe if someone is yelling, singing, or fecal aerosol it disturbs the coat enough to be infectious. Depending on the state of its coat, your immune history, frequency and severity it infects you. Once that happens it should have your glycan coat and your immune system is none the wiser, perhaps some lassitude or sterility but who notices?

I’m speculating that to fire things off the virus has to attack a foreign body that has residence in you. Those new viruses would lack the correct glycan encoding to shield them and you will be sick. When things get too fierce you choke on your coagulation. Maybe they should investigate dialysis.

South Korean researchers have contended that people shed “dead viruses” as different from infectious ones. I don’t know what dead virus means. The researchers are expressing their frustration that once people have been sick they continue to shed virus but no longer seem infectious. Unless those people sing, yell, spray fecal matter or are otherwise intimate, depending on the immune capability of their associate, they may not infect.

The virus persists in bats. Why would it behave differently in us?

I haven’t heard any mention of thoracentesis.

Worldometer has an article making use of New York data, which comes to 1.5% infection mortality rate. I tried to do something like it with Spain in my previous post and got 2%. Point being, you can be dumb as you want to be, and still get close. Even my first ignorant post was close. Worldometer is properly critical of the measure they call crude mortality rate. I think we should still propagate CMR as it identifies obvious issues of state reporting.

-Georgia, what kind of quack killing floor are you running?

-Illinois, are you missing deaths or false positives?

You are allowed to read and you are allowed to calculate.