Sunday, August 2, 2020

How SARS-Cov-2 Works

Building out my five earlier posts, one mistake is framing as influenza. SARS-Cov-2 is a coronavirus. Those little arms aren’t sexual selection. They aren’t cute. They hold onto glycan. My frame bases on two facts, glycan and bats.

If you are into rage, rage pleases some people, consider all the researchers staring into the abyss, making their tiny incremental gains in knowledge and technique. They were reserving their lab equipment, writing their grant proposals, studying HIV, Ebola, H1N1, etc. The discovery they were converging on was the relation between glycan and protein along the cell wall. This molecular process is complex and difficult to discern. Glycan is just as complex as protein. The research is cancelled. Government gave the money for all those projects to drug companies.

Drug companies are drug companies. They are perfecting their manufacturing process to be ready for the vaccine. They are doing clinical trials for various expensive cocktails of treatments. If something doesn’t work, they combine it with something else. They do not stare into the abyss and try to figure out what question to ask. I sometimes encounter a desperate research article trying to show how understanding the interaction between glycan and protein is essential to this problem. Those articles don’t come from drug companies. Recently Chinese spies were trying to steal drug company research. They must be communists. I doubt there is anything worth stealing.

Coronavirus has evolved to shield itself with glycan from the immune system. You don’t want our immune system to attack our own glycan. The various vaccines predicate on protein interaction. That is not how coronavirus works. SARS-Cov-2 has evolved in bats to have long arms and a very thick shroud of glycan, so that no protein is exposed.

A study, Shielding and Beyond: The Roles of Glycans in SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein, was published on June 12, 2020, gives a computer model of the heads extending above the glycan.  It doesn’t explain what triggers the extension of the heads. If a virus is inactive, that is its heads haven’t popped, our white blood cells recognize foreign glycan and consume it. How do the heads pop?  SARS-Cov-2 leaves bats as fecal and saliva aerosol. I think SARS-Cov-2 has a molecular memory from bats of vibration and bile. Bats shriek to echolocate. This might explain Manhattan. Manhattan hum raises the sound level.

Once the heads have popped, SARS-Cov-2 may encounter one of our other cells before it encounters a white blood cell and we are infected. Those viruses shroud in our own glycan, ignored by our immune response. Eventually the liver should clean them out as old glycan. Notice that this in no way is similar to other immune response. If the virus encounters or attracts a cell that consumes the viral glycan, it then will infect that cell. If the infected cell is local, we ignore its viral load. If it is foreign, there are many foreign cells within us; our immune system will recognize foreign glycan and coagulation may be extreme.

As with most coronavirus, we usually encounter this infection and ignore it. Covid19 may have stronger latency. I have noticed Covid-head, a certain dullness and irrationality.

If we vaccinate someone, we increase the viral response. The viral response will not be sufficient to interdict a cloaked virus. The white blood cells were already doing their function whenever they encounter a coronavirus. It is a matter of which cell they encounter first. Increasing immune response is dangerous. Usually the white blood cells recognize viral particles, but they cannot and should not recognize their own shrouded viral particles.  Infected then subject to vibration, would pop the heads and could be dire.  

There was a protocol that the first test is on the researcher.  I beseech you. Abandon the philosopher’s stone, the vaccine; pursue science.

Why haven’t owls eaten all the bats?

Take reported sick times 10 divided by world’s population I get 2.3%. United States is 14%. Divide US population by 10 apply the crude mortality rate of 6% to the sick and I get 2 million dead. Ten is the current true sick ratio. One to seven, in the US, that you are infected.