Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Sars-Cov-2 Update

 Pandemic means that we don’t know anything. If we knew how to cope, it wouldn’t be a pandemic. The drug companies got all the research money. The few researchers who remain have cobbled together a few studies. One of the studies is a computer model showing how the heads pop up on the virus when the glycan stimulus occurs. We don’t know what events raise the heads. Given that the virus leaves the bat on two ends, I suggest that two of the events are loud noise and bile. Infection must occur when the virus is inside us. Another event must be a cell nibbling on the virus glycan. It seems reasonable that the heads have to rise for the virus to infect.

When you encounter a foreign virus where the heads haven’t popped, your white blood cells should recognize foreign glycan and consume the virus. Once the heads have popped it should be possible for the virus to encounter one of your other cells before your white blood cell and infect it. The virus produced by your cell would have your glycan and be ignored by your immune response. When one of your cells nibbles the virus glycan and pops the heads, it is too late for your immune response. How do we get an immune response? Foreign cells coexisting in our body would not produce virus with the correct glycan coat when they are infected. White blood cells consume the foreign virus and coagulation occurs. I suspect that in bats Sars-Cov-2 favors foreign cells. Perhaps it gets confused in us. Eventually liver function recognizes aged glycan and diminishes the viral load.

Just as conservators strip varnish applied by the artist so that we can admire the colors, researchers wash away the glycan to show the virus structure. A coronavirus is different. The glycan defends the virus from the protein immune response. All the suppositions based on influenza are invalid. Simply raising the immune response will fail. Is HIV a coronavirus?

Drug company executives, recognizing futility, are shoveling their stock out as fast as they can. SEC criticized this as unseemly, giving away the game.

There is a new paper about bradykinin storms as opposed to cytokine storms. The argument is about the nature of the immune response crisis that occurs and their associated therapies. Whether it is a B-storm or a C-storm, I ask what distinguishes our interior from that of a bat. The virus appears to coexist amicably in bats. I am hanging on to the idea that these storms result from medication.

As population increases, more pandemics will occur. There will be pandemics after this one. The first major change we must make is that statistics, I hate statistics, has to be a premedical qualification. I’m talking about a full-throat course, designing studies, making statistical arguments, at least as difficult as biochemistry. Doctors’ deficiency in statistics makes them easier prey for drug companies. The surgical textbooks are particularly egregious. Thoroughly slap anyone who says medicine is an art. Just because someone gets better doesn’t mean it worked. If you release the results of your study early, that demonstrates bias and your study is bogus.

We must immediately pull the licenses of the killer quacks. They are not getting any smarter. There is no shortage of doctors. Everyone who prescribed garbage has to go. We cannot leave them for the next pandemic.

If you do not have a real study or are emptying the sick ward, then shut the fuck up. Please don’t give hope or find things for hospital personnel to do.

Stanford started with a reasonable study demonstrating that more people were sick than were reported. They then used that revelation to spew hokum. Raze Stanford and plant it to roses.  There is no shortage of Universities. The University of Pennsylvania gave a degree to someone who can’t read. I know it was a joke degree in real estate but it had their name on it. We can survive without the University of Pennsylvania. Even Harvard didn’t admit Joe Kennedy.  There is a questionable study from St. Louis University. I expect that after review the University will call to account. It is difficult to conduct a study in a war zone when one wants to free up beds. Yogis, not pragmatists should administer studies.

Occasionally I scrape the Worldometers site for the sick data and paste it into a spreadsheet. I then create columns for crude mortality rate, medical efficiency, growth, testing effectiveness and true sick rate.  Medical efficiency, dead over sick, gives a sense of testing coverage and medical response. Deviation from 4% medical efficiency suggests under reporting of dead or sick. Crude mortality is percentage of deaths over closed cases. It is interesting to see who blocks reporting of crude mortality. Growth is what I call active over total cases. For true sick multiply ten times reported sick over the population. Testing effectiveness is tests over cases. If testing effectiveness is high, they are only testing the dead. Too low and they are indulging the privileged. It is clear that the data is sketchy.  The results determine policy.

The tests are inadequate. Fecal tests may be the most accurate.

Once saturation has occurred, there will be a constant mortality rate and we can await the next pandemic.