Sunday, May 22, 2022

Supreme Court

The Supreme Court functions as a safety valve. When the court fails, it is a big mess, we have had a civil war. In 1974 people were voting with their feet. Illegal abortion was so prevalent that the court had to act.

The prisoner’s dilemma underlies our concept of justice. Say a juror is fixed. How does the juror know that they will be paid? If they are paid ahead of time, how does the fixer know the juror will stick?

At this time, it has been announced that there are five judges who will rule against abortion. The early decision is a blatant loud fart. As Biden explained, it ignores the ninth amendment. The ninth amendment is intended to prevent this argument. As Pogo said:

-I got rights I ain’t even used yet!

If privacy or women’s equality are rights, then abortion should be legal. Buttigieg explained why abortion, whatever the term, should be a private family, not an arbitrary government decision.  It is a difficult medical and personal decision made in hard circumstance.

The judges are receiving constant renumeration: speech engagements, book deals, private excursions… Once the decision is reached, the gravy train stops. There are attempts at reassurance: further issues, maintenance of the decision. Out of the five justices, one has to realize that it will be more profitable if they renege. It may even be more profitable for the dissenter.

The early release of the decision physically endangered the Supreme Court. Congress is debating increased court security. The early release also put the matter up to bid, one last squeeze. It might appear that publishing the decision and source confidentiality is covered under freedom of speech and the public’s right to know. But this endangered all the justices. Sounds like an issue for the Supreme Court. Except that the court should recuse itself. Given the surveillance state and all the money spent, it must be known who leaked the decision.

If an amendment is required keep it simple. Allow no wiggle room:

-Abortion is legal.