Monday, March 25, 2024

Why US is Pissing on its Allies Again

Humans differentiate on location and association. We change location to meet association and change association to meet location. Two material conditions of the US constitution were taxing whiskey[i] and protecting slavery[ii]. The document is designed to frustrate popular will. Political parties are intended to ameliorate that frustration. We now have a small group of Republicans preventing the passage of a popular defense bill that contains appropriations for Ukraine and Israel.

America has always been a nation of divided loyalties. Some Americans have loyalty to Mother Russia. That is an influence. There is also a material cause.

Republicans focus on the border while ignoring immigration policy. Republicans like undocumented immigrants who know their place. Republicans terrorized the undocumented immigrant’s children when it looked like they may get status and eventually become voters. That’s when Mexicans got insulted and the fruit rotted on the ground and stores close on Mondays. Removal of the undocumented marginal base rate was the start of our new wage inflation. [iii]

Republicans don’t like refugees. Refugees have status. Refugees can’t just do as they are told, drive the truck or whatever because it endangers their status. Republican Catholic Charities make such a mess of Venezuelans and Cubans, with our tax money.[iv]

Ukrainians immigrate fine.

Our Mexicans have gotten funny:

-Hey I was undocumented. What makes you so special? This is America. This is how we do it.

Our immigration system screens for privileged, refugees, and lawbreakers.

US created the Venezuelan and Cuban refugees with our sanctions.[v]

Holding the border is futile. If we were serious about stopping undocumented, we would do what every other country does and go after their employers. We are not serious. We want our slaves. If our undocumented had status they would no longer be valuable.

The reason Congress is waving around this nonissue is they expect to get paid. US has already gotten what we came for: we are now the junior partner with Qatar supplying natural gas to Europe. That’s why we blew up the pipeline.[vi] That incentive is gone. The other incentive was arms sales.

Ukraine’s recent loss on the battle field did not receive the same publicity or doting analysis of its victories. Our stupid generals babbled about combined units, poor Ukraine listened and ran into Russian smart mines losing a lot of people.

Warfare has changed. Find a video of a shoulder launched missile. If that large rocket was still being aimed and fired as a bazooka, the operator would be a twisted cinder. Instead, the rocket pops out of the tube, drops slightly and then takes off. When the operator is aiming, they are giving the missile directions, the missile then knows what to do. The missile could circle the tank and knock on the hatch. They are keeping it shoulder launched just to be retro. Modern missiles, radio-controlled craft, programmable mines are only limited by programmers’ imagination and fuel.

Russia may not have the particular missile or whatever to take out our fancy weapons system, but someone will want to sell them some just to see if it works. Ukraine wants kits they can adapt to circumstance. Now that Ukraine has lost interest in buying expensive weapons systems to support combined units and our manufacturers don’t want their systems publicly popped killing sales, that Congressional incentive is also gone.

As to Israel. If there was stability Gaza Marine, a large natural gas field next to Gaza, close to Europe would be developed. US and Qatar are in no hurry for that competition.

With no one to grease the bill, Congress is sucking on a dry teat. Democrats accuse Republicans of losing Ukraine. This assumes the American public has that much memory. My guess is that Ukraine and Israel will do just fine without our help which is another embarrassment.

[i] Shay’s Rebellion

[ii] The Counter-Revolution of 1776: Slave Resistance and the Origins of the United States of America, Gerald Horne

[iii] The subsidies burned off.