Any time someone gives you a rate for anything, it’s been
jiggered. The unemployment rate is a well-known
example. In 2012 the reported unemployment rate was around 8%. If I take the
total reported employment of around
134,000,000 then apply it to the total population between 20 and 64 of about
162,000,000 I get around 17%. That seems a little high for 2012 but it
gives you an idea of the variance. At this point economists start throwing
smoke. Most economics seems to be
disputes about rates. Disability, yadda
yadda, looking for work, employability, underemployment, I’ve known a lot of
deranged people who have jobs. A good
rule of thumb seems to be double the reported rate. Google real unemployment
and double the rate seems the general conclusion.
Given the tremendous amount of data available and studied we
should have immediate, accurate and complete information segmented across any
desired index of our unemployment. Given
that we don’t it is obvious that we don’t want this information. We have
national job search sites, Monster, LinkedIn, Dice, which should be able to
show employment rates and active job searchers by profession. Why aren't these
numbers publicly available?
Earnings are another notorious quagmire. Security
Analysis, the legendary book by Graham and Dodd, is essentially a diatribe
on the difficulty of reading company reports. Investors want to see a smooth
earnings curve, so management spends most of its time trying to fit its real
revenue into that form. Inevitably there
is a disaster, the company takes a bath, reveals all its bad news and then goes
back to building its earnings curve.
Knowing this, are you more likely to trust a company reporting gyrating
earnings-or would you regard it as management not being smart enough to play
the game?
Inflation is also difficult. Adam Smith proposed animal feed
as the benchmark for determining the value of your paycheck. Nowadays this
would correspond to gasoline. Recently, the price of gas dropped but the value
of the dollar as measured against gold has not yet responded. This is probably because we have hollowed out
so much of our industry. Galbraith argued that inflation was the consequence of
business requiring a rate of return for investment. I think we all intuitively recognize that
there is always a real, constant and underlying rate of inflation despite
particular market events. Underneath all the various currency gyrations and
trade imbalances currency value has an intrinsic depreciation.
What got me started on this article were college acceptance
rates. I was startled at how selective
colleges had become. Then it was explained that students are sending out far
more applications than they had in the past.
What the schools are not reporting is student acceptance rates, how many
students turn down the school after they have been accepted.
Everyone recognizes a drop in crime statistics. Credit has
been taken by the police. Contraception and abortion have been recognized. Cell phones help with reporting and solving
crimes. The prevalence of video cameras is significant. 1984 is real.
Videophilia, the prevalence of video games, is linked with drops in pregnancy,
recreational activity and crime. Improvements in medical care reduce the number
of successful homicides. Some of the decrease is municipalities’ jiggering the
reporting. These causes explain the drop in reported crime. But the nature of
criminal activity has changed. Banks and businesses have supplanted organized
In the past murder rates were in inverse ratio to construction.
As Sam Destafano said:
-You will never catch me; you’ll never dig up the Dan Ryan.
I have noticed a number of articles mentioning bodies found
in dumpsters. At first this method of
disposal seemed foolish to me. The bodies were being discovered. Then it occurred to me that maybe a lot of
other bodies were not being discovered.
The garbage disposal process is so automated. Now that it is easy to
dispose of bodies, the true murder rate is hiding in missing persons. How can anyone stay missing nowadays? It is
more difficult to hide your identity than it is to dispose of a body.
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